Thursday, 27 March 2014

We are at war

As children sleep while they can,
Adults stay up waiting, watching.
The soldiers fighting every man.
A flash of peace passes over,
Which soon turns into fear.

The firestorm has started.
Our fate we now foresee.
The blazing bombs are nearing town,
Hitler will never have mercy.

To look at all these helpless people,
When alarming air raid sirens scream,
May ache one's heart beyond belief,
To see that death is the theme.

The whole country, one big team.
To think what would become of us,
When Hitler has mercy is just a dream.
Yet we still do not surrender.

Thursday, 13 March 2014


I was falling…falling…falling. Total darkness of a purple-black colour was exposed to me. I fell into the depths of the world or perhaps it was hell as crazy thoughts ran through my head. Where was I? Why was I here? What would happen to me? Would I be rescued from this life threatening fall? No-one knew.

I awoke with a start. Where was I? I got up. All I could see was a blinding light and a white mist. All I could hear was a voice screaming “Don’t get up!” I didn't understand at first. Why was I here? Then I remembered. I started to feel dizzy. My knees gave way. What would happen to me? I was ill and about to fall and split my head open. I noticed the bleep wasn't in my head. Would I be rescued from this life-threatening fall? But no-one came to my aid. I was falling...falling…falling. 

Blood dripped from my head. Then everything went out. My hearing, my sight.  I got trundled along to the emergency room. They tried to revive me but they couldn't. Not now, not ever.

I sensed them as they dressed me up into my best party dress. I sensed them as they lowered me into my coffin. I sensed them as they threw flowers onto me. I sensed them as they placed me into my freshly dug grave. They didn't sense me. The mourners weren't aware of the fact I was still in their world.