She was finally born. Her siblings had been waiting for what seemed like forever. But finally she was here. Her name was Princess River and she had bright blue eyes just like the colour of her name. There was also a magical feel about her. The king and queen demanded that a mini river should be built in the garden and when River would be a child she would paddle and have fun in her very own stream. Princess Snowflake and Prince Snowball took great care of the new royal baby. They played with their sister and refused to let the nurse feed her. She was not neglected by their mother and father (as some would suspect, as Queen Summer and King Winter were very busy) who played with her and made endless stories up for her even though she didn't understand. The only thing the family avoided was changing River. Soon, a year had passed by and River was a toddler. But something the monarchs hadn't mentioned to the children was that there was an addition to the servants. A few months before River was born, the married gardener and maid had had a child of their own named Aaron.
One day, River was playing in the soft grass of the gardens. Snowflake and Snowball had gone to piano practice. The nurse had fallen asleep. A little boy about the same age as River came up to her. She giggled. The boy giggled. The children had only just learned to speak a little. The boy said "Hihi. Aaron me!" "Me River" said River. They held hands and River started walking. Aaron followed. they came to a small stream. Aaron recognised it. His father tended it. River recognised it too. It was her river! Aaron sat down and put his hands in the water. River copied. Their hands touched and Aaron grabbed hold of hers. They put their heads together. Even though they were only 1-year-olds, they both knew this friendship would last a very, very long time.